2017-2021 Data2Game
The Data2Game project investigates how, and to what extent, the efficacy of computerised training games can be enhanced by tailoring the training scenarios to the individual player. The research is performed in close collaboration with Thales Research & Technology and with Veiligheidsregio Twente for the purpose of enhancing the training efficacy of members of a crisis management team.
The research is aimed at achieving three concrete research innovations:
1. Techniques for the automated generation of in-game narratives that are tailored to the learning needs of the individual player
2. Techniques for the automated modelling of players’ cognitive and affective states, based on in-game data and exhibited social signals, such that the training scenarios can be tailored to the individual player
3. Validated studies on the relation of the player behaviour and game properties to learning performance.
To achieve these innovations the project combines expertise in three disciplines: language technology (specifically: text generation), artificial intelligence (specifically: player modelling and personalisation techniques), and science of teaching (specifically: game based learning and skills assessment).
Involved PhD researchers: Johannes Steinrücke (under guidance of Prof.dr. Ton de Jong – University of Twente), Judith van Stegeren (under guidance of Prof.dr. Dirk Heylen & Dr. Mariette Theune – University of Twente), and Paris Mavromoustakos-Blom (under guidance of Prof.dr.ir. Pieter Spronck & Dr. Sander Bakkes – Tilburg University). From Thales Research & Technology are involved Dr. Johan de Heer and Ir. Paul Porskamp, Ing. Thomas de Groot, Ir. Rafal Hrynkiewicz and Ing. Tije Oortwijn.
The project is funded by NWO.